One-click deploy workflow for WordPress plugins and JSON schemas

Hey Reader!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready for an exciting year ahead.

While publishing an update to the ​Native SSO​ plugin (still in development), I decided to record a video of the process in case you might find it useful. In the video, I demonstrate a GitHub workflow that:

  • Prompts for a version to tag for release,
  • Extracts the plugin directory from the monorepo using git subtree,
  • Automatically generates the changelog, and
  • Tags a version release in the distribution repository.

Watch it on YouTube or on Twitter. It’s also part of my ongoing guide to WordPress monorepos.

What are your thoughts on monorepos? Have you found them useful in your projects, or would you like to dive deeper into their benefits? If there’s interest, I’d be happy to record more videos covering specific aspects. Let me know!

Other content I’ve shared recently

Here are a few insights and resources from the first weeks of the year:

  • Schema support for WordPress JSON files. Did you know files like theme.json, block.json, and wp-env.json support schemas? Adding a $schema element enables autocomplete in your IDE. (tweet)
  • No post meta for FSE templates. Turns out the wp_template post type in WP core doesn't register support for post meta so we can't store any SEO meta for the homepage template in the full-site editor, for example. Do you have a solution or workaround for this? (tweet)
  • Improving the wp-env local environment. The wp-env setup includes Xdebug and unit testing but locks the WP core files and the testing library inside containers, limiting the developer experience (tweet). I've shared a sample GitHub repository showcasing a better setup.

Are you working on anything exciting this year? I’d love to hear about it.

Best regards,

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